
Welcome aboard the BritBikes blog,

In our opinion, owning a classic British bike is not just a means of transportation, it’s a way of life. When these beautiful machines from the likes of Norton, BSA, Triumph, AJS, Velocette, Matchless and Royal Enfield they fast became impassioned for their precision engineering, style and performance.

Here at BritBikes we understand the passion and dedication when it comes to classic motorcycles, which is exactly why we formed to help keep these glorious machines not only on the roads but in the homes of those who adore them.

Our blog is a support engine for you all to read about not just us, but for you all to share your restoration stories, history, tips and enthusiasm with the world of British bikers.

All submissions welcome to

Happy (and safe) riding to you all from everyone at BritBikesUK

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Welcome aboard the BritBikes blog, we hope you enjoy the ride…

In our opinion, owning a classic British bike is not just a means of transportation that will get you from A to B, it’s so much more than that, it’s a way of life. When these beautiful machines from the likes of Norton, BSA, Triumph and Royal Enfield  went into production over 100 years ago I doubt it was foreseen that by the 1960’s they would fast became so much more that engine propelled bikes, but would be impassioned for their recreational use, their precision engineering, style and performance.

This is one of the many reasons we launched feet first into helping all our fellow vintage bikers keep these beautiful machines running in all their glory with, supplying everything from seats, valves and gaskets to memorabilia and manuals.

We want this blog to not just be a place where we can share our knowledge and restoration projects with you, but for you to share with us and everyone else as well. We welcome your submissions at and can’t wait to hear all about you and your British beauties.

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